Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The BIG Girl and Her Big Sister

Well I am growing a linebacker. Or maybe a lineman. I am so glad that Ellinor didn't grow like this in the womb. I'd have needed a replacement lower half.  At 15 weeks, Ell is weighing at a whopping 18 pounds. She was born average; this weight gain amazes me. For those not aware of average weights, Carter's SIX month clothes max out at 16.5 pounds. This means Ell is comfortably in nine month clothes, even 12 month clothes. At 3 1/2 months. INSANE.  Berit was always right on target so we're plowing through the handmedowns and preparing to dress Ellinor in shorts before Christmas. I joke. We will layer with long underwear, which fortunately still fits.

And now for some photos.


I'm going to have to preserve Woody's blog and try to recapture photo space. I'm so sorry everyone!

September Fun

It is DEEEE-cember. I give up. I started this post in September....we had fun. So. Much. Fun.

The Knit Cap Kids: Eero, Hiver and Berit

Berit lags behind the overly burdened mommas -- check out the doubler. When I saw that, I thought oh never...well guess what? I frequently have the two pack system going these days. Wonders never cease!

Our sleeping Ellinor

Berit tucks her baby in with Ell
And then she tucks herself in!

Lingo checks on his girls...he can't restrain himself

This seems like a good spot to keep watch...

Crazy 75 degree September: time for a bike ride along the shore

My determined little cyclist

Bare feet in the rocks, skipping in the waves

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beautiful Autumn

Looking at these photos and it is hard to believe the beautiful September we have had! Many days in the 70s...and this is Duluth!  We have been making the most of the weather and my maternity leave, lots and lots of time outside, an abundance of play dates with bff G and plenty of arts and crafts.  I am loving the time with Berit and Ellinor has been a real delightful newborn.  She is seven weeks old tomorrow and I can't believe I have been home eight weeks already! 

Mostly the photos speak for themselves, but I'll try to type up an update, including my most traumatic day of two kids (in comparison to my greatest trauma as a new momma) sooner rather than later. I write posts in my head nearly every day; they just don't find their way out in time. I'll work on that.

Favorite Berit-Ellinor moments, as spoken by the Bear:

Poop baby poop!
Hey baby, doin? (after climbing the step stool to reach Ell)
I pooped! Momma, I pooped! (as she runs across the yard holding a diaper full of what else)
No, I get it (about everything, as if I am suddenly incapable of taking care of myself, Berit or anything else)
I got mine (again, referring to everything)
Daddy gone! Gama gone!
Home? Momma, home? (yes, Berit, we are going home now)
Doin? -- as in, what are you doing? Apparently, we ask her that a LOT. 

I did finally get some more photos on the computer, and I backed up my ancient laptop (is 2006 really that old for a MacBook? I don't think it is but I seem to be losing the argument with each new software update) for the first time since February (oopies). I also ordered some photos for the grandmas without internet access (who miss out on this blog!) and we finally mailed off Ellinor's announcements. So...one thing at a time, but as I mentioned, I am running out of time before real life starts again (November 12!) and it has already snowed, so time is dwindling.

Surveying the playground

Singing ABCs, eating apple slices and dancing 

Big kid climber

Another day, another playground: tire swinging with G

Dinosaur Golden Gate Bridge

Being a big kid: with Q (who IS a big kid)

Checking out the goats at Fall Fest

Rocking Ell to sleep

Making blueberry muffins!

Yet ANOTHER playground

Training for the XGames

"See, mom. I told you this was a good idea."

Hold my hand, little sis
Slumber party!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Berit's Summer

Waiting for a baby is pretty easy, so we did our best to fully engage in summer fun. By April I was feeling melancholy about the changes lying ahead. I am a first-born and, predictably, I projected (and continue to do so) my animosity and sadness about the arrival of my little brother onto Bear.  I wanted her to know that she wasn't being replaced, that we wouldn't be able to send the baby back (I was convinced for over two years that my parents were just being unreasonable about not returning Woody, and at any point, they were going to send him back so things could return to normal.)

As a result, I made a more deliberate point of having fun with Berit, even if my belly was getting in the way or there were things to do, like clean the house in the event we were burglarized. All of that could wait. Time with my first-born daughter could not, it is fleeting.

Exhausted after surveying the June flood  damage

Enjoying the pool with Yukon

Hauling baskets before our wedding party
Being cute...

...comes naturally
Enjoying the wagon from Uncle Woody (converted from her sled)

Hanging out with Aunt Ksenija (outside a wine shop)
Sun goddess and potty training extraordinaire

Exhausted after a morning at the St. Louis County Fair watching horses (go Jeff Anderson!)

Being silly in the basement (on one of those hot July nights) before bed

Hanging out with Eero and Hiver 
H-eee and Bear: thick as thieves?

On the way to school

Mimicry was big this summer; an afternoon sun break for food and PBS 

Watching Olympic divers...
I should have guessed.
Making Berit's toddler bed

Overseeing construction

Upholstering complete!
Final product gets approved

No seriously, ma, I can walk all three dogs.

Driving Double Great Uncle Rich's RV (why not?)

Taking the wheel at the fire hall

The helmet is a little big, but it will work

I could get used to a steering wheel this big

This girl is in heaven!

Enjoying a fresh block of cheese at the Coop

Meeting chickens at Ann and Pam's

Checking on her new fowl friends

Darn cute. Waiting for momma to take her to school.

Checking out Chester Creek with friend Greta

Taking a stroll in the woods

I thought this is what you meant when you said "get in your seat"

For much of the summer, she sported this orange knit hat which was a hand-me-down from the Boyle girls, quite possibly knit by Dr. Goltz (momma's doc). After seeing Eero in a lovely orange knit hat in May, Bear had to follow suit as soon as we returned home and she could get to her orange hat.

Happy girl

This was a common scene in our backyard

Running from the boys at an evening concert in the park

Hiding in the reeds during the concert

Greta entertains Berit

Berit tries to make Greta laugh by flashing belly buttons

Berit meets a baby kitten at Great Aunt Diane's, with cousin Maya

Meeting her first piglet at the Hemling farm 
She wasn't sure

But these adult pigs were really intriguing!

Great Uncle Bill graciously gave up the Gator; little cousin Billy gives direction

Now this is cool!!

Exploring the playground at Gigi's

Eating a forbidden treat (it was 95! look at the sweat) and watching kids at the pool

From a rainy afternoon at Ann and Pam's

Sleepy Bear saying goodbye to Gigi

Meeting Grandpa Doug at the playground

Working out at the fire hall

Greta has a trampoline!

Wolfie became a favorite this summer 
Wolfie needs to swing too

And slide!

Berit has gotten so tall from all that milk drinking
Cousin Aitan arrives! (With Uncle Woody and Aunt Rachael)

Berit checks out Papa's shed construction

This appears to resemble a diving platform

John Deere hat, firefighter Curious George tshirt = happy girl

Grandpa Larry gives Bear a turn at the tractor wheel

Berit shows Oscar the horse how to fly

Greta explains equestrian matters to Berit

"See, that's my horse, Oscar"

Styling at the horse stables

No seriously momma, I am ready for bed now (in PJs post-bath)

A ponytail!

You have to wear your baseball hat up high when you have a pony in.

Berit and Aunt Krista at the cabin, trying to get baby Sprout to come
Helping papa fix the refrigerator (he needed to wear safety glasses)

Sometimes you have to fix things yourself

One last waterslide

I'm not stuck in here; this is where I want to be

Flying with Greta

Eat your pizza!

proper bike wear 

Candy! Watching her first parade

Motorcycles, a fire truck...this is awesome!