Friday, March 25, 2011

Well Baby??

Today was Bear's six month "well baby" check-up.  Feeling oh so proud of our little toothy daughter (yes, getting two teeth IS an achievement!) you can imagine the feelings of careless, irresponsible failure upon hearing that she has not one, but two ear infections.  How can this be?   She has been so happy!  No fevers since sprouting the teeth!

Waiting for papa to get home in the morning

She is now a whopping 15 pounds, 15 ounces -- leveling out at the 50th percentile -- and 26 1/4 inches long (tall? almost) -- which is the 60th percentile.

As for those ears?  We'll keep an eye out for intensifying symptoms and hope that this is not a recurring issue for the poor dear.  Our (new) pediatrician is not an automatic pharm pusher, so we are waiting to start any antibiotics.  I feel exceptionally proud that so far she's only had vitamin supplements for vaccines and probiotics in her little system.  We will see if this round requires anything stronger.  And sadly, no swimming for a week or two.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Six Months!

Trying to get a visual on how long she is -- this kid cannot hold still!
Everything goes into the mouth and has been for over two months.  Last month she started getting very interested in our food, putting her hand in soup bowls, causing huge reactions from her parents and some very optimistic puppies!

- sits up very steadily until she doesn't...
- still loves movement like no other
- sleeps with us for much longer stretches -- yay!
- has regular lunch dates with momma
- continues to shower every other morning with momma
- seems to enjoy "school" (daycare) a great deal, and even recognized a classmate at the pool!
- giggles A LOT.  Who is this happy creature we are blessed with?
- but does have a temper.  And not a lot of patience.  Is this a wicked combination of her parents or what!
- loves Lingo the most (we think) but grabs Yukon's hair and Sitka's muzzle.  All dogs makes her happy.
- talks NON-STOP.  No comment.  ("Da" is most frequent.)
- loves to kick (Pete calls it Riverdance and brings us all to hysterical laughing)
- got her first tooth, and her second just six days later!
- eats banana and mum-mums; bananas cause a shot of whiskey shudder to run through her.  Very entertaining for us!
- continues to love the swimming pool and even walks on the treadmill strapped to momma

First solid food!

Chewing with Lingo

Yukon took his turn

After school snack of mum-mums

I am still pumping, now three times during work, after a long illness caused my resources to drain (if you don't eat, your body goes into conserve mode and doesn't make as much milk!)

Berit has started really eating for everyone -- maybe a growth spurt -- or may she just realized that the good stuff originates from the ta tas but can be delivered in many forms.

This month Berit went to her first labor rally where Pete spoke.  The moment his speech started, she wailed, then promptly fell asleep behind her sunglasses.  She might have been the youngest DFLer in the crowd.

We had a family hike to the cabin to see how it weathered the end of winter -- amazing.

Bundling up for the hike

The human family members at the cabin

Beautiful blue

When papa works, we walk the dogs and sing and Bear falls asleep

A hug from Ceili after the neighborhood St. Patty's Day parade

Berit - Month FIVE

"Jogging" in the saucer
She really holds on and gets those legs going!

Posing with Wolfie

so many giggles, more and more squirmy too!

In Berit's fifth month she got to meet her momma's crazy (but beloved) surrogate lesbian mothers whose claim to fame is teaching me to put mint in my G & Ts and not causing me to fail the Bar Exam.  Ann and Pam stopped by one snowy Friday afternoon when I was working from home...many hours of debauchery and baby loving ensued.  Not surprisingly, they are convinced that Berit should be joining MENSA any day now.

Berit also did some civic service by volunteering with momma at Hartley's annual candlelight ski.  She was amazingly calm while passed from board member to co-worker and back.  I couldn't have been prouder!

Airplane with papa requires a streamlined physique!

Yes, momma knit this damn sweater...

In month five Berit also:

- Watched her first Super Bowl (go Packers!)
- Stayed home with Grandma Debbie all day (so momma doesn't lose her job!)
- Got her first fever (101.3! We thought it was teeth in progress...)
- Slept in a crib for three hours (at daycare -- they teach all the hard lessons.)
- Got her first Valentine (from a boy!) Papa said "Where's my gun?"
- Went swimming at the YMCA (and loved it!)
- Grandma Val babysat for date night
- Visited with Uncle Woody and Aunt Rae.

Papa took part two of his captain test and did absurdly well
Grandpa Dougie turned 60
Momma got a beautiful ring!

Serious baby getting ready for the pool.

After swim...just about napping

We did not join the circus...

Well I certainly blew it when I promised to stay on top of blogging.  I will resolve (again) to be more attentive to our followers.  Maybe brief weekly statistics?  I will try, I promise.  

We are all still here, gutting out the long, cold Duluth winter, even though running away is appealing from time to time.  I always wanted to try the flying trapeze (sweetheart, if you are reading this that might make a very good experience gift!)

So here goes 33 days wrapped up fast!