Friday, June 10, 2011

My daughter

Berit continues to amaze me. She is pretty opinionated and bossy, but so funny that she can get away with it. Her comedic timing is spot on. I see great things for her -- but I suppose that's what mothers are for.

Furrowed brows --- all the time!

Whatcha looking at?

Here she is waiting to walk the dogs. Soon she will push me in the stroller at the same time.

Last week she popped out two teeth: the first on Friday night and the second on Saturday night.  She is a tough little kid!  That's number three and four.  They are on the upper sides (eye teeth?) and not in the middle as expected.  The first two (bottom middle) came many months ago and we kept expecting there would be more.  She'd be restless and chewing on everything and yet, no teeth. Wouldn't you know, as soon as we stopped using teething as the excuse, out they came!

It meant no sleep for most of us (especially me) for three nights in a row (continued on through Sunday for good measure) so I started the week exhausted and got sick by Monday night.  BUT, my kid has four teeth.  She is so advanced...

Finally summer is here: the weekend of teeth was also the weekend of lots of warm air and sleeping with the windows open!  We celebrated by working on the cabin.  Mostly I picked up wood scraps and unburied worms and Pete dug holes and worked up a LOT of black flies.

Everything is so GREEN

Bear enjoying summer

And sucking an ice cube to ease her new vampire teeth

Between so many friends having new babies in the last two months and recollecting about the last time I was "working" at the cabin, with a belly so large I could hardly bend down to pick up anything, it made me a bit nostalgic for last summer.  Not that I miss being pregnant!  But more, that I have already forgotten what life was like before Berit arrived.

Here are few choice memories:

Me: at eight months -- maybe this was an early sign of Berit's perfectly round head?

I could drive with all three fur kids in the car -- and room to spare!
Pete could take off fishing...
And there was the hair!  Just before it got cut...