Sunday, August 7, 2011

Berit Hits Ten

The Bear is walking, yelling, crawling, chasing and makes us laugh endlessly.  Her walk is often a run with arms raised above her head yelling the entire time.  She's a bit of a clown.

She has given up her swing-addiction and takes naps in her crib!

She claps, points, plays peek a boo and climbs stairs very quickly.  Going down is a little dicey.

Her comedic timing is unprecedented for a ten month old.

Berit thinks that people sneezing are very funny. (Or is it "sneezing people"?)  I try to apologize for her behavior.  Then she starts with the pointing and I give up.

She continues to be relatively bald and is mistaken for a boy since we try to minimize the pink when we, people just can't grasp her name.  It is often Barrett the boy.  Oh well.

This last month was a difficult one at day care.  Our two favorite teachers left the infant room, one left the city entirely, and the Bear had a record number of crashes, bruises, bites and bangs.  I don't like signing multiple accident reports daily!  Alas, she got sturdier on her feet and the new(er) teachers adapted and so far, things are looking up.  She is a bruiser for sure.

Berit sits in her high chair now, having recently retired the bumbo/tray (very sad for us).  She loves watermelon, although I am realizing that watermelon stains and gets everywhere and really is not a convenient baby food.  She has also been trying out new stuff, like pancakes, blueberry yogurt, toast (with butter of course) and raspberries.  She likes black beans for now, but only if they are frozen, and bananas still, but now only if they are in the peel.  She tried peas again but spit them out or threw them over her shoulder. I appreciated that she tried and that she thought she was tricking me into thinking she was eating them.

She still eats sweet potatoes and apples and she is bottle-free!  This last bit was quite easy since she never really liked bottles and has been drinking from a big kid cup (with assistance) for months.  I am glad that there was one perk in her resisting bottles.

She loves, loves feeding her dogs.  We have a strict dogs-keep-away policy until we know the meal is over.  Berit would much rather feed her entire meal to her fur siblings; she's very gratuitous.

She is very adept at pulling the "safety" covers out of the electrical outlets.  Sometimes she takes them out and then tries to plug other cords into the sockets. I don't know if she's brilliant or the covers are a sham.  Either way, it makes constant vigilance necessary.  Berit also likes chewing on cords.  She's a bit rodent in that regard.  

Turning 10 on the road has its benefits

Wolfie and Berit in Sterling, CO

Berit scowls

and chews on her sunscreen

and rips off her hat, revealing little fuzzy ear curls

The bugs got bad during the photo shoot, so we took the bugs-be-gone and retreated to the A/C

Don't be fooled, these thunder thighs are powerful!

B in a Bonnet

Berit has been having fun with friends, eating dirt from momma's new garden beds and going to baseball games.

First it was to see papa in the Guns and Hoses showdown (that's cops vs fire) -- she enjoyed clapping and waving from the stands.  Then it was to see the Duluth Huskies with the Fryberger office.  It was a very chilly game and someone forgot socks and a jacket.  Good thing Bear runs hot!  Most recently, it was a drive to the big metropolis to see the Twins on the 4th of July with our friends Anna and Mike.  That was too hot -- we had to give up amazing seats for some A/C -- and Berit was mistaken for a boy three times!

Watching the Twins lead -- in 103 degree seats!

What a view!

Berit takes a break in the front seat

Showing off her teeth 
It's been hot so Bear has to sprawl under the fan to get relief

I swear, I do not let her eat caramels.