Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beautiful Autumn

Looking at these photos and it is hard to believe the beautiful September we have had! Many days in the 70s...and this is Duluth!  We have been making the most of the weather and my maternity leave, lots and lots of time outside, an abundance of play dates with bff G and plenty of arts and crafts.  I am loving the time with Berit and Ellinor has been a real delightful newborn.  She is seven weeks old tomorrow and I can't believe I have been home eight weeks already! 

Mostly the photos speak for themselves, but I'll try to type up an update, including my most traumatic day of two kids (in comparison to my greatest trauma as a new momma) sooner rather than later. I write posts in my head nearly every day; they just don't find their way out in time. I'll work on that.

Favorite Berit-Ellinor moments, as spoken by the Bear:

Poop baby poop!
Hey baby, doin? (after climbing the step stool to reach Ell)
I pooped! Momma, I pooped! (as she runs across the yard holding a diaper full of what else)
No, I get it (about everything, as if I am suddenly incapable of taking care of myself, Berit or anything else)
I got mine (again, referring to everything)
Daddy gone! Gama gone!
Home? Momma, home? (yes, Berit, we are going home now)
Doin? -- as in, what are you doing? Apparently, we ask her that a LOT. 

I did finally get some more photos on the computer, and I backed up my ancient laptop (is 2006 really that old for a MacBook? I don't think it is but I seem to be losing the argument with each new software update) for the first time since February (oopies). I also ordered some photos for the grandmas without internet access (who miss out on this blog!) and we finally mailed off Ellinor's announcements. thing at a time, but as I mentioned, I am running out of time before real life starts again (November 12!) and it has already snowed, so time is dwindling.

Surveying the playground

Singing ABCs, eating apple slices and dancing 

Big kid climber

Another day, another playground: tire swinging with G

Dinosaur Golden Gate Bridge

Being a big kid: with Q (who IS a big kid)

Checking out the goats at Fall Fest

Rocking Ell to sleep

Making blueberry muffins!

Yet ANOTHER playground

Training for the XGames

"See, mom. I told you this was a good idea."

Hold my hand, little sis
Slumber party!

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